For the third or fourth time with thanks to Hastings for putting it out on the shelf days ahead of schedule.
is a podcast I like to listen to. It's about a sci-fi show from the 1960's.
(There was a time you could say things the 20's, 30's, and even the 80's.
Now you have to say "The 1930's or people could get confused.)
The format the hosts use is to give a synopsis,talk about things they
noticed, and finally give their thoughts and feelings. For spoilers' sake I'm going to skip the first
one and go straight to the other two. To me it seems that Akihisa Ikeda is
doing two things: dragging this out as long as possible and tie up as many
loose ends as he can with a deadline of 13 volumes. In the process we (or
more precisely me) the readers are getting the feeling that Ikeda is
tired of the series.
I know the feeling. You've been working on something for many
years Sometimes you get tired of it; and you're not doing what you want or you want to do
something else. But,
you have to finish up one project before starting another. Inevitably
things drop through the cracks. There's a lot of people that just up and
disappear. Some are brought in like Issa Shuzen only to be forgotten. Then
we still have the whole gauntlet match going on. Also Gyokuro's mad plans
revealed seem to be just an attempt to add more drama where we really didn't need
any. Every time we think we could be encountering the final battle, nope.
Much to my disappointment more than a few of my snide comments
about how this volume was going to run came true. Things like crashing the
airship, mass extinctions, and even a Volume 13. While not all of it can true
exactly as I said, close enough. I was worried about this volume and I was
right. Even with the extended deadline of a Volume 13, things are not
looking all that great. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm seeing an ending with a
whole lot of loose ends. Ikeda is better than this; but even the best can
get beat down and want to hurry and finish.
There was I part I really liked. It was in the fight between
Koko and Kahlua. Koko had a flashback and a great personal relevation that meant something.
She even learned to accept what someone said was the compliment it was meant
to be. Unlike the
flashback with Xilong. Which to me felt like total filler. However we have known Koko now since
Season 2 Volume 1; six or more
years now. I think I speak for a few people when I say I care about what
happens to Koko far more than what happened to a guy we've only seen for a
few chapters.
All told I'm not happy with this volume, and my hopes are not high on the next.
Panty shots: 2. Side Boob: 1 Everything Else: 11.
Juxtaposition Mixer. (I was kinda right.
(Wasn't I?))
In two previous articles I talked
about how the two Mokas are mislabeled and a rather crazy theory behind the
Rosario Seal. Let's see what current facts give to my past ramblings.
I do have a snarky comment on this. You'll have to wait until the end to see it.
I wrote that people were wrong in calling the pink haired Moka "Outer" and
the silver haired Moka "Inner." In reality it is more more of a change in
emphasis. They are both the same person. Outer Moka is really a part of
Inner Moka. Different aspects of Moka's total personality given time to be
on display.
See what happens when you run over a vampire's lunch box? They go insane and start talking to themselves.
Two words, kid: "Silver Bullets."
Later on I talked at length my thoughts on how the Rosario Seal works and
cited a rather couple of odd examples of this in other media. Ultimately I
came to the conclusion that "Outer" Moka was really Akasha hiding in plain
sight. Okay, I was wrong about that particular conclusion; but I think I was
on the right track in making the Transformers comparison. How so? I compared
how the Autobot Matrix of Leadership worked to how the Rosario Seal worked.
Judd Nelson would rather be remembered for his other great rolls like... and... uhm...
While essentially true, there was a much better example from Transformers:
The real Season 5 (AKA Powermasters/Super God Masterforce. (By the way I
recently discovered there was an American Season 5. It was worse than the
Generation 2 rehash.)) So what's the similarity? Is the Rosario Seal
a Powermaster version of Daniel Witwicky? (Appropriate because he just sucks
all the life out of the series.) In the Season 5 anime we get treated to a
group called the Pretenders. (No,
not those ones.)
What they are is a group that look just like
humans but in reality(?) are fully sized Transformers.
No I'm not going to go into pages long explanations how this is. I've
decided to keep this article far more pertinent to Rosario Vampire than all
my previous ones. (And admittedly my plot of
SEO by bringing in Transformers in the last article didn't work. As usual)
In conclusion the Rosario Seal cloaks the real Moka in a Pretender Shell
that looks like Akasha. The "Outer" Moka is indeed "Inner" Moka with her
feelings that she keeps to herself turned up to eleven.
So why don't I go back and delete the previous talks or even
just edits out those little bits of embarrassment? I stand by what I said.
Most of the information is accurate. While I could save myself time in
writing it all up by going online and reading Volumes 12 and 13, I promised
not spoil it for myself. Plus I plan on having fun with whomever decides to
write me about that. I'll say "Did you read my 4th Rosavam Article.?"
Title: Nancy Has Three Repaints.
Mistake-A-Palooza. (Okay, okay. It's not that bad, but it sure was an adventure looking for them.)
Remember that little research project I did for the last article? You
know, the panty counter. For that study I went all the way back to Rosario
Vampire Season 1 Volume 1 and made a count of all the upskirts, panty shots,
and nudity. Something caught my eye along the way. It was the occasional
This should immunize me from criticism for criticizing a real genius.
Before we go any further. I'm the guy that can't even spell the name of
his own web site correctly. If it weren't for the fact that I
have a template page that I copy/paste whenever I make a new comic page I'd never get it right.
I often put two Ns in Penelope. Recently I used the 2013 character
models for the Daisukino Sisters instead of the 2014 versions. (I discovered
the mistake quite late in the comic making process and said screw it.
They're walking, no one will know if I just keep my mouth shut.)
While compiling the number of times Mizore pillows Kurumu (1)
my attention was understandably not focused on finding shading errors. In
fact in all of Season 1 I only found 6 7 real errors. (I threw in a few non
errors as well.) I am pretty sure that there are more to be found. I
really don't want to re-read all of that again. I might many years from now.
(Get this: while looking for the pic of the first mistake, I found another.)
From Season 1 Volume 1, Pages 88 and 89. Tsukune and Moka are inside the
nurse's office while Kurumu is outside. Then everybody is outside. This may
not be a mistake. There is what could be called an establishing shot.
Meaning in that during that one panel Moka and Tsukune ran all the way around to
the outside. On the ground underneath a flying adversary instead of going to
the roof and surprising her from above.
S1V1 Pg. 94. Do I need to insert a picture of the cover of the manga?
(Or for those on a desktop browser you can right-click off to the side and
click "View Background Image.")
S1V2 Pg. 70. Not a mistake. Make a note of that device of Yukari's.
S1V2 Pg. 94. Insert Fourth Wall Joke here:
S1V4 Pg. 18 and S1V5 Pg. 17.
It could be said that Ms. Nekonome went and picked up Gin in her car; but it
was never said.
S1V5 Pgs. 76 and 82. Somehow Tsukune winds up on a frozen pond. Did he try to
run away from Mizore by going right by her and onto the water?
S1V7 Pg. 76. The second time we see Yukari's crystal ball in all of 26
chapters over a four year period; and it breaks. We certainly can't let her
have a handy little device that can locate anybody and reveal the future,
now can we? We don't want people sending in comments about how Yukari has
such a tool and NEVER USES IT!
S1V9 Pg 98. Not a mistake, yet.
S1V9 Pg. 169. Rosavam is not known for fourth wall commentary.
S1 V9 Pg. 188. This is from the Meaningless End of Volume Theater; so you
shouldn't expect any real continuity at all. However it is fun trying to
figure out who number six is. Probably not Tsukune's cousin because this
looks like it takes place before the chapters in which Kyoko makes a visit.
Could it be Ms. Nekonome? Or is it possible Mizore is counting Inner Moka?
S1 V10 Pgs. 106 and 126. I had to download and look at some fan translations
of this chapter to figure out what was going on. Apparently in the original
Japanese, Tsukune always called Moka "Akashiya-san" whenever he was talking
to his mother. Then when Moka shows up at his doorstep he didn't ever make a
proper introduction.
S1 V10 Pg. 120. I think it is perfectly understandable that Kurumu is
getting dressed on the run; she was totally naked. Why is Mizore? She's
already in an outfit that safe to fight in. She should know that a school
swimsuit tends to hold in heat and she is putting on more clothes? As a snow
fairy she should know that would really disadvantage her in a fight. Maybe
in the heat of the moment she forgot. Or maybe she took her swimsuit off and
put her school uniform on.
While doing the upskirt count for the previous article, I noted in
the ensuing fight between Mizore and Kurumu there wasn't one upskirt of
Mizore. This is keeping in tune with the rest of the series of Kurumu
getting hit with all the panty shots; but why not the one time when a
character is wearing a one piece swimsuit under her clothes? I know I'm
going into dangerous territory with this comment: Why is it in a series that
allows nudity that there are no panty shots?
S1 V10 Pg. 189 and S1V5 Pg. 118. The final story of Season One takes place
before Volume 5. More than likely around the time of Volume 3. Mizore was
introduced in Volume 5 and at the time she had longer hair.
S2 V2 Pgs. 21 and 33. Now the doppelganger can NOT copy clothes. Note the
example of copy/paste in the lower left corner is wrong. In the anime, that
spot on Yukari's back would go from a simple design pattern to an actual
S2 V2 Pgs. 73 and 77. Doppelganger can not copy clothes, so where did the bra
come from; then where did it go? For the third time the animation is wrong
with the explanation on how the copy technique works.
S2 V2 Pg. 93. Why has Doppelganger
changed back to male? To prevent embarrassment of being
photographed in female form? Why? Is this Doppelganger's real form? Does the
power wear off? I thought he was always trying to hide his real face.
S2 V2 Pg. 101. When was there ever a ban on club recruiting? I was going to
post a pic of all the recruiting going from Season 1; but Tsukune makes my
S2 V2 Pg. 164 and S2 V8 Pg. 16. Ten year old Inner Moka couldn't pick up Ko;
but ten year old Outer Moka can swing Batty around?
S2 V3 Pg. 16 and S2 V5 Pg. 44. Up to this point Gin has never been described
as talking like Jeff Foxworthy.
S2 V4 Pg. 21 and S2 V2 Pgs. 150 and 154. Koko has always made a big deal out
of not wanting to be treated like a little kid. In a flashback Koko doesn't seem to
mind it when it's Kahlua doing it.
S2 V5 Pg. 60. This line was written by people who have never met anybody
from the south; or even listened to Jeff Foxworthy, Larry the Cable Guy, Ron
White, Bill Engvall, Rodney Carrignton, Tim Wilson, Johnboy and Billy, and
so on and so forth.
S2 V6 Pgs. 55 and 59. Nothing like an older sibling to butt in on a
conversation they weren't apart of.
S2 V9 Pg. 77. I'm writing this out before Volume 12 has come out. Maybe it
will be explained why Hokuto is now in a wheel chair. If not then maybe in Volume
S2 V9 Pg. 85 and V10
Pg. 55. Doesn't anybody check the character bios at the beginning of almost EVERY volume?
S2 V9 Pgs. 65 and 97. Everything in this house is magical. Even the stairs.
The further away you get from them, the wider they are.
S2 V10 Pg. 92. Pretty brave to lie to the face of the leader of Fairy Tail.
I don't remember those two ever graduating. In Season 1 the last image of
Kirai and Hokuto was standing by the cliff.
S2 V11 Pg 72. One of my most favorite movies to quote is "Spaceballs." There
is a line towards the end that fits perfectly.
S2 V12. Coming whenever it is available on iPad; and then I will wait longer to
avoid spoilers.
This is not meant to be a catalogue of all the
mistakes ever made in the series. Just a few of the ones I caught.
Comments and suggestions can be sent to me here and
here. Bitches
gripes and complaints can be filed