However I never got around to including him in the comic until now.

Long after Capcom brought up Tornadoman.

Some good advice: If you are going to throw away your old computer, take out
the hard drive and smash it.
Even if you think it is no good, and is password protected, remove it anyway. That is how I discovered
Rosenkreuzstilette and recently found a Carbonite account.
Don't worry, I reformatted the hard drive and installed Linux on it.

It is a very popular series, however, for some reason I never see it on the
Ravy Comics, its subcomics,
and all original material copyright 2013 Joe Pullin.
The entirety of this website should be considered parody.
If you're taking any of this seriously, here is what you need to do:
Take a deep breath and hold it until I can get to you.