Op at one time was kind of an homage to Steve Dallas.
In 2004 Op dyed his hair to disguise himself as Willy DuWitt from Bucky O'Hare.
That had the interesting effect of making him look a little like the principle characters of Bob and George.
In other news about this point in production I had much of Bonnie's backstory figured out.
Which is why her tail is now in the down position.


How do I explain Op's blonde hair for all these years?
Well, it was always blonde. He dyed it black to make himself look like Tenchi Muyo/Tuxedo Mask
for his then girlfriend Becky who is such an otaku she dresses as a magical girl all the time.
The change to blonde had a side effect of making Op look a little like the principle characters
of the comic Bob and George. It could be said that it was in some way me making a statement
about the chutzpah of sprite comics in general repainting Mega Man and calling it original art.
I make that statement by editing and repainting my Mega Man repaints
to look like other people's Mega Man repaints.
The truth is that it is my comic and my characters and I'll have them look and do whatever the hell I want.


How many times have I referenced this now? Almost as much as Final Fantasy 7 games
with that Nibelheim Incident.


I'm using comic time. Right now it is the Monday before the 2010 Daytona 500.


Ravy Comics, its subcomics, and all original material copyright 2015 Joe Pullin.
The entirety of this website should be considered parody.
If you're taking any of this seriously, here is what you need to do:
Take a deep breath and hold it until I can get to you.